Official Government Website
Public Record Information - Detail  
Business Phone:
Address Of Record: 

License Status:  
License Method:  

License Issued:  
Previous Expire Date:  
Reinstatement Date:  
Expire Date:  
Description Permit No Status Expiration Limitations
Moderate Parenteral Sedation Permit 333 Cancelled 9/30/2021
Disciplinary Actions - No Disciplinary Actions

This verification service provides current data extracted by the Board from its own database. The data in this web site is provided by and controlled entirely by the Board and therefore constitutes a primary source verification of licensure status as authentic as a direct inquiry to the IBOD. The information provided through the verification service is all of the information pertinent and available in that field of information in the IBOD database. The data is updated daily. No responsibility is assured or implied for errors or omissions created by technical difficulties. No one shall be entitled to claim detrimental reliance thereon. For information regarding those categories not included in the database and/or concerns about transmissions errors, inconsistencies, or other data issues that may be identified from time to time, contact the Board.